Wednesday, 18 June 2008

blog bites

Andrew Sullivan recently wrote a piece for The Times titled "Google is giving us pond-skater minds". In which he argues that if a typewriter took part in the forming of the thoughts of a mind as profound and powerful as Nietzsche’s, what on earth is Google now doing to us? Are we fast losing the capacity to think deeply, calmly and seriously?

Certainly the experience of reading only one good book for a while, and allowing its themes to resonate in the mind, is what we risk losing. But is this necessarily a bad thing. More information is available to more people then ever before, take Wikipedia for example, a phenomenal global project. Internet increased the sale of books, now look at Kindle.

Interestingly though, here I am giving my opinion in a short 200 word blog article, and already thinkning about my next post...more please!

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Time is clicking

According to the BBC, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen's latest report finds web users less tolerant and patient when it comes to web sites. Web users have always been ruthless and now are even more so..

"People want sites to get to the point, they have very little patience...I do not think sites appreciate that yet, they still feel that their site is interesting and special and people will be happy about what they are throwing at them."

It's a big challenge for brands to get their emotions, richness and feelings across, when all a user wants to do is find out the price of a product. Increasingly I think businesses investing in the web need to create time rather than buy time. I guess this is all about options and navigation, allowing the user to get to a place fast if they need to, but according to Dr Nielsen, most want brands to get on with it.


Ever keen to spread the bible according to glue, Mark and Seb were this months guests on Inside-online

Listen to there podcast on how to be a perfect client, being more experimental and the need for speed of ideas in current brand advertising.